I have been trying to write a blog for over an hour. Reed is at school, Keygen is napping, the T.V. is off--there are not distractions. Well, except my goldfish attention span that has been darting around unable to settle on a single thought. So..I thought it would be entertaining for you to read my thought process for writing a blog. My thoughts for the last hour:
Maybe I'll write a blog about sex.
Yeah..everybody has sex.
Okay, not everybody.
My grandma doesn't.
Ew. What if she does?
I'll ask her.
No, that's weird.
I'm going to ask her.
What if Reed gets embarrassed?
I won't talk about OUR sex life.
What if I did?
My mom reads this.
So? I'm a grown up.
Ugh. I can't do it.
I'll write about the time I thought I was a dog whisperer.
I am crazy.
What if I really am crazy.
Would I be Joan Crawford crazy or Winona Ryder in Girl Interrupted crazy?
Didn't she shoplift?
What's the world coming to?
I don't believe that.
Do I?
It's bothering me I can't come up with anything..
I could write about my pet peeves.
Ugh. I have too many.
I hate the word "coupon."
I always clip coupons, but never use them.
It's like having a mini van. Sort of.
I'll never own a mini van.
Unless I have 5 kids.
Planned parenthood is where it's at.
Maybe I could write about condoms.
I had a kid in the middle of college--a planner? Yeah right.
A blog about---marshmallows or gummy bears.
I'll call it "Weird shit we don't know why we eat"
Jello is another one.
I could write about my fear of being a starving writer.
I'm hungry.
I could make cupcakes.
I hate to bake.
I could just eat the frosting.
This.Is. Going.Nowhere.
It just wasn't in me today.
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